
The Board has a Board Charter which sets out its powers and responsibilities.

Here is a summary of the Board Charter.

The Trustee Board is made up of nine Directors which are employer and member nominated representatives in equal numbers and one Independent Director.

  • Four member Directors are appointed by the Mining and Energy Union (MEU). Three of these are nominated for appointment by the MEU and the fourth is nominated for appointment by other unions on a rotational basis representing members in the NSW, QLD and Tasmanian coal mining industry, including the Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers Australia (APESMA), Communications Electrical Plumbing Union (CEPU (or ETU)) and Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU).

  • Four employer Directors, with two nominated and appointed by the NSW Minerals Council (NSWMC) and two by the Queensland Resources Council (QRC).

  • One Director is an Independent Director nominated and appointed by the Trustee Board.


Member nominee representativesEmployer nominee representativesIndependent
Grahame Kelly - appointed by MEUJudith Bertram - appointed by QRCDeirdre Wroth - appointed by Trustee Board
Mark Watson - appointed by MEURobert Dougall - appointed by NSWMC
Anthony (Tony) Maher - appointed by MEUChristina Langby - appointed by NSWMC
Paul Bastian – nominated by AMWU and appointed by MEUGlenn Buckner - appointed by QRC

Board Committees

The Trustee has established Committees to advise it and make decisions about important issues affecting your super. The Committees, comprised of Trustee Directors, meet a number of times each year and include:

Investment CommitteeMakes decisions on how your super is invested, including which investment managers and investment sectors to invest in. Sets investment policy, objectives and strategies and monitors investment performance. Here is a summary of the Investment Committee’s Terms of Reference.
Insurance CommitteeReviews insurance claims, including disputed and complex claims. Makes decisions on the payment of some claims. Reviews the insurance policy arrangements and oversees the Insurance Management Framework. Here is a summary of the Insurance Committee’s Terms of Reference.
Audit, Risk and Compliance CommitteeMakes sure Mine Super follows the government’s laws, rules and regulations and company policies and requirements. Monitors risk management, compliance, audit, fraud and whistleblowing frameworks and other governance activities. Here is a summary of the ARCC's Terms of Reference.
Remuneration and Nominations CommitteeMakes sure staff and Directors’ salaries are ‘fair and reasonable’, that remuneration practices meet regulatory requirements and that appropriate nominations functions are undertaken in relation to Director and nominated Executive appointments. Here is a summary of the RAN Committee's Terms of Reference.
Merger and Acquisitions CommitteeEvaluates and presents recommendations to the Board in relation to Merger Opportunities.  Here is a summary of the M&A Committee’s Terms of Reference.

Board and Committee meeting cycles

NameFrequency (approx.)Number of meetings per year
Trustee BoardBi-monthly6
Audit, Risk and Compliance CommitteeQuarterly4
Insurance CommitteeQuarterly4
Investment CommitteeBi-monthly6
Remuneration and Nominations CommitteeAnnually (minimum)Minimum of 1
Mergers and Acquisitions CommitteeQuarterly4